Hi everyone. Sure hope your having a great day. Also hope you will take the time to check out April’s Challenges and play along. This week I am sharing my 60th Birthday page with you. Photo of me at 60 and my baby pictures. Where did the time fly? Isn’t it amazing how punch accentsRead More
Category: Tutorials
Circle Cutter-
Punch 920-
Terrifically Thrilling Thursday
Hi everyone. Sure hope your having a great day. Also hope you will take the time to check out April’s Challenges and play along. This week I am sharing my 60th Birthday page with you. Photo of me at 60 and my baby pictures. Where did the time fly? Isn’t it amazing how punch accentsRead More
Circle Cutter-
Punch 910-
Wednesday Tutorial – Using a circle stencil with the Positioning parts
Today I wanted to show you how to use the “B” circle stencil at it’s smallest circle using for use with the border punch. The 5.6cm is a pretty small hole and there’s a trick to punching the beautiful circle border around the inside of the circle. I first cut my circle using my circleRead More