Punch 906

Many Thanks

Hello Everyone, A friend of mine is having a birthday surprize party and the ones who scrap with her are making gifts she will use after the party.  I was given the task of making the thank you cards, 25 of them.  So I know her likes are red, hearts and banners and her favoriteRead More

Punch 906-

Punch 919

Sports page with great punched borders

Hi Bev here today to share a sports page… and Kreaxion punched borders are the perfect touch it needed. I used my Paper House Sports Pad paper to do this page… great papers and great accents Paper House Ice Hockey cardstock stickers. The Kreaxions Punch #906 is bordering the base of the photo. Up theRead More

Punch 906

Happy Birthday to you!!!

Good Morning everyone, I want to share a Birthday Card I made for a friend. This is what the whole card looks like, and if you notice I have used Punch #906 wi insert C & A. This is a close up using punch #906 with insert C.  You can see how it punches theRead More