Punch 604

Film Strip Layout

HI Everyone! Ellen here again with another layout for you. I have to say this might be my all time favorite layout right now and it's all because of the Kreaxions Butterfly punch 🙂 I seriously cannot put this punch down!  Here are a few details about this layout…I used a stamp to create theRead More

Circle Cutter-

Punch 604-

Punch 903

Tennis Camp!

This summer I signed the kids up for tennis camp for a week…it was only 3 hours a day, but they both agreed on something finally…they hated it. *sigh* Luckily I managed to snap some pics of them on the first day before they'd gone…before they knew they wouldn't like it and they looked happyRead More

Circle Cutter-

Punch 604-

Punch 903

Tennis Camp!

This summer I signed the kids up for tennis camp for a week…it was only 3 hours a day, but they both agreed on something finally…they hated it. *sigh* Luckily I managed to snap some pics of them on the first day before they'd gone…before they knew they wouldn't like it and they looked happyRead More