
Punch 919

Family Portrait

We all have them.  Those old family portraits that we don't know what to do with.  This is a picture of my DH and his parents and brothers in the 1980s.  Because the picture is all male, I didn't want to make this page too fussy.  So I pulled out Kreaxions Punch #919 with TemplatesRead More

Punch 919

Family Portrait

We all have them.  Those old family portraits that we don't know what to do with.  This is a picture of my DH and his parents and brothers in the 1980s.  Because the picture is all male, I didn't want to make this page too fussy.  So I pulled out Kreaxions Punch #919 with TemplatesRead More

Punch 922

I Heart My Teacher

Happy Monday everyone!  Hope you're all getting a great start to your week.  I'm getting a crafty start to mine, with this cute teacher's card.   The inspiration came from a friend who told me her son was excited to have the same teacher this year as last and wanted to get her a specialRead More